Do you ever find yourself in an energy funk? Have you ever experienced it going ……
Blogs to Read
What is the International Day of Older Persons all about?
On 14th December, 1990, the United Nations General Assembly designated October 1st as the International Day of Older Persons and it was first observed on ….
If not now, when?
This week, another person close to me got a challenging medical diagnosis. While I felt the …..
Together Apart – our response to Covid-19 through the lens of psychologists
A recent read looks at a wide range of topics through the lens of Covid-19. One of them is social isolation which is a …..
How We Think About Things Makes a Difference
As a young psychologist I was introduced to cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) where one of the …..
Ever Considered Coliving in Your Third Age?
For our generation, your own house, shared with your immediate family, has been the norm for …..
How to Create a Portfolio Career in your Third Age
Perhaps you have been made redundant or given early retirement but you still want to …..
Who Are You Without Your Business Card?
Although it is just over two years since I left full-time employment, I still go to say …..
Don’t Keep Looking in the Rear Vision Mirror! You’re not going that way.
Sometimes when something bad happens to us it can be really hard to move on. It can be hard to get …..
Just Write!
Ever thought about writing? Perhaps once you have the additional time that comes with …..