Yesterday was amusing at my gym. It’s that weird January time when there is …..
Blogs to Read
How We Think About Things Makes a Difference
As a young psychologist I was introduced to cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) where one of the …..
It’s Not Slow, it’s #sexypace!!!
I had the good fortune to meet Liz Ayers a couple of weeks ago as
Tips and Tricks for your Digital Declutter
Digital clutter can be as bad as physical clutter. If you can’t find last …..
The Challenge of Decluttering to Downsize your Home
I am almost at the end of a month of downsizing, having made the decision to …..
Don’t Just Soldier On!
Excuse the generalization, but we might describe the …..
Do Older People Really Need Less Sleep?
There is lots written about the importance of sleep. Matthew Walker’s …..
Is Healthspan or Lifespan more Important?
Which is more important to you? Your Lifespan – or …..
The What and Why of Mindfulness
Secular Mindfulness was introduced by Jon Kabat-Zinn…
Yes, Its Stressful, but You’ve Got This!
There’s no denying, this is stressful time for most of us…..